Gowdy Calls Rice A Liar
Gowdy Calls Rice A Liar
Benghazi | August 31, 2016 | Rabid Ranter
According to Susan Rice, Benghazi was because of a video that inflamed the masses. She took this stand before any type of investigation took place. She dug in and refused to back down from her assessment of the situation, regardless of how false such assumptions were. Congressman Trey Gowdy rips her apart on this Fox News interview, saying there was no evidence to support her false narrative. That this was in fact, a preplanned attack and that she was stunningly arrogant for refusing to admit she lied to the citizens of the United States.

- Mainstream Media Bias
- Benghazi
- Fake News
- Birther Issue
- Reece Committee
- State Park Disappearances
- Hollow Earth Theory
- Mandela Effect
- Flat Earth Theory
- 9/11
- Operation Paperclip
- Project MK Ultra
- Operation Northwoods
- Bohemian Grove
- New World Order
- Agenda 21
- Fluoride
- Vaccinations
- Agenda 2030
- Big Pharma
- Population Control
- Eugenics
- Big Ag
- Aliens
- UFOs
- Roswell
- Area 51
- Underground Bases
- Denver Airport
- Majestic 12
- Crop Circles
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- Ancient Astronauts Theory
- Mars Civilization
- Nibiru / Planet X
- Pole Shift
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- Chemtrails
- Montauk Project