Studies Show Media Bias
Studies Show Media Bias
Mainstream Media Bias | May 9, 2016 | Rabid Ranter
The liberal media elite is not a conspiracy, it is a fact. Anyone who pays even the smallest amount of attention to the mainstream media coverage going on today, can spot the not so subtle media bias going on. The media is supposed to protect our freedom, not manipulate it. The media is supposed to be about the truth, not power. The corruption of the fourth estate is so complete, that the only hope our nation has is to create a whole new alternative media. By the people, for the people has never meant more than it does today.
- Mainstream Media Bias
- Benghazi
- Fake News
- Birther Issue
- Reece Committee
- State Park Disappearances
- Hollow Earth Theory
- Mandela Effect
- Flat Earth Theory
- 9/11
- Operation Paperclip
- Project MK Ultra
- Operation Northwoods
- Bohemian Grove
- New World Order
- Agenda 21
- Fluoride
- Vaccinations
- Agenda 2030
- Big Pharma
- Population Control
- Eugenics
- Big Ag
- Aliens
- UFOs
- Roswell
- Area 51
- Underground Bases
- Denver Airport
- Majestic 12
- Crop Circles
- Reptilians
- Ancient Astronauts Theory
- Mars Civilization
- Nibiru / Planet X
- Pole Shift
- Strange Sounds
- Chemtrails
- Montauk Project